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刘恩岐 教授

  • 来源:
  • 发布时间:2021-05-13
  • 点击量:







 1.  刘恩岐, 师长宏, 谭冬梅. 医学实验动物学.第二版. 北京: 科学出版社. 2023.

 2.  Liu E, Fan J. Fundamentals of Laboratory Animal Science. CRC, Taylor & Francis Group. 2017.

 3.  刘恩岐. 人类疾病动物模型. 第二版. 北京: 人民卫生出版社. 2013.

 4.  刘恩岐, 尹海林, 顾为望. 医学实验动物学 . 北京: 科学出版社. 2008.

 5.  刘恩岐. 医学实验动物学. 北京: 人民卫生出版社. 2004.

 6.  刘恩岐. 实验动物育种学. 兰州: 甘肃民族出版社. 2002. 


1. Qu P, Rom O, Li K, Jia L, Gao X, Liu Z, Ding S, Zhao M, Wang H, Chen S, Xiong X, Zhao Y, Xue C, Zhao Y, Chu C, Wen B, Finney AC, Zheng Z, Cao W, Zhao J, Bai L, Zhao S, Sun D, Zeng R, Lin J, Liu W, Zheng L, Zhang J, Liu E, Chen YE. DT-109 ameliorates nonalcoholic steatohepatitis in nonhuman primates. Cell Metab. 2023; 35(5):742-757.

2. Qu P, Cao W, Liu E. Somatic cell nuclear transfer in rabbits. Methods Mol Biol. 2023;2647:169-181. 

3. Fatima M, Gao J, Han T, Ding Y, Zhang Y, Wen E, Jia L, Wang R, Wang W, Zhao S, Bai L, Liu E. MED1 deficiency in macrophages aggravates isoproterenol-Induced cardiac fibrosis in mice. Am J Pathol. 2022;192(7):1016-1027. 

4. Qu P, Zhao J, Hu H, Cao W, Zhang Y, Qi J, Meng B, Zhao J, Liu S, Ding C, Wu Y, Liu E. Loss of renewal of extracellular vesicles: harmful effects on embryo development in vitro. Int J Nanomedicine. 2022;17:2301-2318.

5. Zhao H, Zhao J, Wu D, Sun Z, Hua Y, Zheng M, Liu Y, Yang Q, Huang X, Li Y, Piao Y, Wang Y, Lam SM, Xu H, Shui G, Wang Y, Yao H, Lai L, Du Z, Mi J, Liu E, Ji X, Zhang YQ. Dogs lacking Apolipoprotein E show advanced atherosclerosis leading to apparent clinical complications. Sci China Life Sci. 2022;65(7):1342-1356.

6. Qu P, Luo S, Du Y, Zhang Y, Song X, Yuan X, Lin Z, Li Y, Liu E. Extracellular vesicles and melatonin benefit embryonic develop by regulating reactive oxygen species and 5-methylcytosine. J Pineal Res. 2020;68(3): e12635.

7. Bai L, Liu B, Ji C, Zhao S, Liu S, Wang R, Wang W, Yao P, Li X, Fu X, Yu H, Liu M, Han F, Guan N, Liu H, Liu D, Tao Y, Wang Z, Yan S, Florant G, Butcher MT, Zhang J, Zheng H, Fan J, Liu E. Hypoxic and cold adaptation insights from the himalayan marmot genome. iScience. 2019;11:519-530.

8. Bai L, Li Z, Li Q, Guan H, Zhao S, Liu R, Wang R, Zhang J, Jia Y, Fan J, Wang N, Reddy JK, Shyy JY, Liu E. Mediator 1 is atherosclerosis protective by regulating macrophage polarization. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2017;37(8):1470-1481.   

9. Liu E, Morimoto M, Kitajima S, Koike T, Yu Y, Shiiki H, Nagata M, Watanabe T, Fan J. Increased expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in kidney leads to progressive impairment of glomerular functions. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2007;18(7):2094-2104

10. Liu E, Kitajima S, Higaki Y, Morimoto M, Sun H, Watanabe T, Yamada N, Fan J. High lipoprotein lipase activity increases insulin sensitivity in transgenic rabbits. Metabolism. 2005;54(1):132-138. 




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